"I was spending considerable time just trying to keep track of client matters, not to mention completing them.
My workload is heavy and frequent interruptions make it hard to stick to a schedule. Jan devised a more efficient
system that enabled me to spend less time looking for notes and spinning my wheels and more time doing the work.
I now feel much better able to handle my demanding workload."
Tracy Landauer, Stults & Balber, New York, NY
Q: What should I look for when hiring a productivity coach?
A: For real results that you can maintain, a personal productivity coach should offer solutions tailored to fit you
like a glove. Before giving advice, a good coach asks you a lot of targeted questions. In contrast, an inexperienced coach may
quickly give advice that works for other clients, or suggest "band-aid" solutions that treat symptoms, not the root cause. For example,
you may suffer from email overload - but until we figure out if the root cause is that
you're indecisive, or your concentration suffers due to excessive interruptions, or you don't know your email software, or you have
trouble prioritizing and managing tasks - or all the above - we can't fix the problem in a way that will last.
Look for a coach who is highly tech-savvy. Generic tips on using your software and managing email won't help you much and can
even can waste more time than they save.
A good coach has a lot of experience working side-by-side with individuals. An expert who is primarily a corporate trainer or
speaker may be a great presenter, but they can't solve complex workload management problems - there are a lot of moving
parts and it's only by working with individuals, not speaking to groups, that a personal
productivity coach develops the problem-solving skills needed to really help clients.
Lastly, look for experience. (We've been doing this for over 2 decades.)
We offer a no-cost, no-obligation 20
minute phone call to discuss your issues. Just contact us for an appointment.
Q: I already have a business coach. Why would I need a personal productivity coach?
A: Many Jasper Productivity Solutions clients also have business coaches who help them with goal-setting,
business growth or career changes, and basic time management coaching. What we do is different - Jasper Productivity Solutions
specializes in solving complex workload-management problems which go well beyond "Time Management 101." We also have a deep
knowledge of technology and an in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Outlook. Jan Jasper has been online since 1987 (anyone remember DOS?).
Q: I'm a very organized person. The only problem is that I'm so busy! How can workflow coaching help me?
A: With the pace of life today, being organized is not enough. Most of us are overwhelmed with email. You may be fastidious
about adding items to your task list, but not have time to actually get them done.
Perhaps you're a survivor of downsizing - doing the work of two or three people.
For people juggling heavy workloads, we can help solve the puzzle of how to get things done without
working 24/7.
People develop a patchwork of habits over the years - we'll help you identify what's working, what's not, then recommend
improvements tailored to fit you like a glove.
Q: How can being neat and organized actually waste time?
A: Having a good system is more important than being neat. Traditional organizational tactics may create an appearance
of neatness with little practical benefit. Do you really have to hole-punch newsletters and insert them in binders? Your assistant - if
you still have one - doesn't have time to hole-punch. Why not just put them in a file folder? Even better, arrange to receive and store
newsletters electronically.
Another time-honored system that doesn't work for everyone is the standard alphabetical filing system. This can backfire,
causing misplaced files. Afraid of losing things, your staff then stops filing altogether, leaving ever-growing piles on desks, credenzas, and floors.
The solution may be a file system based on concept or subject matter, not the alphabet. But it depends - every client is different. That's
why our solutions are always custom-tailored.
Q: We have an employee who makes a lot of mistakes and lets details fall through the cracks. She's motivated and tries her best - what could be the problem?
A: It may not be her fault. Poorly designed processes can be an obstacle course even for the most competent employees. For an example of how hidden
hurdles can interfere with good people doing their jobs, read
Do Your Employees Really Need Customer Service Training? What's really needed may be
process improvement. Jasper Productivity Solutions can help.
Q: Our problem is not any individual's work habits. The whole company needs more efficient systems and processes.
A: Jasper Productivity Solutions can help with that, too. It requires us to come to your site several times, which we're
happy to do if you're in the New York/New Jersey area. Our Case Studies page gives many
examples of how our process-improvement work has saved companies money.
Q: I'm not crazy about technology, I prefer paper.
A: A paper system that works well is far better than technology you don't want to use. We won't fix what isn't broken. We'll help you
make the most of whatever method you choose.
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