"Prior to engaging Jan Jasper, I was overwhelmed and wasn't getting things done. Jan came in
and put together a set of tactics designed just for me, building on my natural strengths. After a couple of sessions
I saw dramatic results in my ability to focus. I'm much more
on top of things; work no longer sits on my desk longer than it should."
Dean J. Shapiro, Executive Director, Insignia/ESG Inc., Stamford CT
You struggle to stay on top of all the emails, phone calls, and tasks that come at you
every day. You have long lists of things to follow up on. You want to make the most of
technology - without having
it totally run your life. And you'd like to have a personal life (uhhh, remember what that is?).
Cleaning off your desk - or emptying your email inbox - feels great, but it doesn't last because it addresses the symptom, not the cause.
Our Workflow Coaching will help you:
Get more done with less effort
Prioritize more effectively
Beat procrastination
Get the most from your technology
Conquer clutter on your desk and in your brain
Spend less time on email
Improve your time management skills
Delegate effectively
Find a good balance between paper and technology
Cope with a heavy travel schedule
Improve your follow-up for increased sales
Time management problems are a complex web. Let's take procrastination, for example. It usually
stems from a variety of other factors, such as unclear priorities, not planning ahead, and not having a way to
track work in progress and pending matters. Once these underlying issues are addressed, the
"procrastination" will be reduced. But if you tackle the procrastination itself - mistaking
the symptom for the problem - nothing will really change.
Instead of a quick fix, you need a comprehensive solution.
Personal Productivity Coach Jan Jasper can help.
We begin with a detailed assessment, looking at
Your job responsibilities
Office environment and corporate culture
Your organizational skills
Your time management skills (the good, bad, and the ugly)
Your task management habits
How you cope with information overload (both paper and digital)
Your success at managing e-mail
Your delegation skills
What you do with client and meeting notes
Your use of technology
Your travel schedule
...and much more
There's no "one right way" that works for everyone.
A great time management tip for one person may backfire for someone else.
We devise a strategy that fits you like a glove. Our approach is thorough, non-judgmental and supportive.
The result? You'll get the important things done - and still have time to have a life.
You'll be ready to take advantage of opportunities that come your way.
You'll have reduced stress and a greater feeling of control.
More Questions?
See FAQs on Workflow Coaching
Not sure how to proceed? We offer a no-cost, no-obligation 20 minute phone call to discuss your issues and how
we might help you increase productivity.
Just contact us for an appointment.
On-Site Coaching
A productivity coaching make-over involves a number of 3-hour sessions, one-on-one, at your office. For most clients, several
sessions spread over a period of months is most effective.
Telephone Coaching
If in-person sessions are not practical due to geography, virtual productivity coaching is available. We start with a couple of phone
calls or emails to identify your issues. Then we schedule an intensive 90-minute phone session. We may use
Skype so I can see your inbox, calendar, and computer files - it's like working side-by-side. Your investment
for this 2-hour block of time is $350, payable in advance by credit card.
Just need some quick answers? You can purchase an hour for $175. This involves
an email exchange to identify your issues, followed by a 45-minute phone session.
A longer-term commitment helps you make lasting change in your habits for lifelong results. If you want to totally overhaul
your work life, consider working together for 3, 6, or 12 months. This can be done by phone and Skype. Pay in advance and you can
receive a 5% or 10% discount. Contact us to discuss payment options.
To get started with phone coaching, go to Personal Productivity Coaching by Phone, answer
the questions under "Ready to Get Started?" and email them to me through my
Contact form. This will give me an overview of your issues and we'll take it from there.
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